Accessible Accommodation (Hotels, B&Bs and Apartments)
Use this form to add your property to The Access Map. All details will be verified first, using your own website and trusted review sources, before your property is considered for inclusion (99% of properties are indeed successfully added after verification though).
I will simply copy an image from your website and host it locally (which will mean no effort on your part - nor any additional website server usage for yourself). I may need to resize/crop the image so that it fits my standard page layout. If I have to do so, I will not change the layout aspect in any way (i.e. I will not 'stretch' the image).
"Main Entrance" includes the use of an alternative door located by the Main Entrance.
Whether access is via the main entrance, or an alternative accessible entrance.
Main entrance door to accessible bedroom.

Thank you so very much for your support!

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